
Melinjo is a perennial crop and can be harvested for a long period of time.
Unlike wheat or rice that is harvested after 3 years plantation, Melinjo is harvested every year for period 50 years or more. The harvest is twice a year, with annual harvest quantity for Jawa Island only is around 300,000 Ton.
Indonesian rural farmers usually plant melinjo, mango or durian tree on their house. These trees not only provide a shade for their home, but also produce fruits for the farmers.
The tradition to take care of the environment is called `Wanatani` in Indonesia language or `Agroforestry` in English. And melinjo is one of the important plants in Agroforestry system.
Jasmelindo takes the idea from this Indonesian Agroforestry System (Wanatani), and do its activity such as melinjo tree cultivation, melinjo seed skinning process and help to provide a stable melinjo supply to Indonesian Melinjo Industries.
= Agroforestry = integrated approach of using interactive benefits from combining useful trees and shrubs with crops to create more productive, profitable,healthy and sustainable land- use systems.

Most of plants are affected by surrounding soil condition, temperature, humidity etc., but Indonesian melinjo is not. Moreover, melinjo can easily grow by cutting or grafting technique other that seed cultivation, and there is no need special care after the melinjo trunk grows independently.
Cultivation of melinjo in any environments in Indonesia has a role to prevent soil erosion in slope mountain area and is expected to become a big step for reviving Indonesia rich green forest.
Our next plan is to cooperate with green environmental organization to prevent forest cutting and global warming. |